Do you know the overall performance of your website and how it stands against your competitors?

SEO specialists understand the need for regular audits, but for many people, it just gets too complicated and technical. Well, that’s correct – it could be a daunting task!

Unfortunately, an SEO audit is something every business must do in today’s digital marketing to stand out.

Let’s talk about it.

What is an SEO audit?

An SEO audit can be described as an evaluation of an existing website that grades the site for its competency to achieve higher rankings in search engine results pages [SERPs].

Audits are performed to help you optimize and improve the overall performance of your site. Simply put, it grades your site and finds any issues that need to be adjusted to boost your ranking.

I like how serial entrepreneur Neil Patel calls it “a report card for your site’s Googleability.”

There are several online tools you can use to perform an SEO audit, including SEMrush, Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, and SerpStat. However, I recommend you either perform the audit by following a step-by-step guide (like the one you’re reading now) or work with an SEO Agency to help you out.


Does my business need an SEO Audit?

We think so. We provide comprehensive SEO analysis for several businesses daily. Using our study, we offer detailed data of the structural and content areas affecting your ranking and visibility.

We help businesses like you connect the dots as to how well your organic traffic is performing and ways to catapult it. Any SEO issues affecting your online goals are dealt with by giving you actionable SEO audit recommendations.

Perhaps you’re a new business looking to increase your organic traffic; we’ve got something for you. Contact our teamof SEO experts today to get started and scale your business.


You may feel your site is at its peak until you run an SEO audit – even if you get the traffic you want.

An SEO audit gives you a performance report, including checking for errors and showing you what needs to be fixed on your site to improve your ranking on SERPs.

  • Use tools such as Pingdom’s Website Speed Test
  • Optimize your meta tags and pages to be user friendly, especially for mobile users, because they make a good fraction of users.
  • Finally, invest in a strong content and keyword SEO strategy to take things to the next level. You can use Copyscape to be sure the content pages are unique, and of course, remove the duplicate content.

Hiring us is super easy!

If you would like a FREE, no-obligation SEO audit for your website, feel free to shoot us an email at info@techomatic.co.uk. Alternatively, give us a call on 012 74 615 959.

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