What is Search intent for SEO?

What is Search intent for SEO?

What is Search Intent?

Search intent, also known as Audience Intent, refers to the term used to describe the reason behind a person’s search. Over the years, with Google’s intelligence and algorithms, it can interpret search intent and bring results that meet the user’s search query. After all, Google is more concerned with satisfying the intent and questions of a searcher.

Since a user might search for information, an answer to a question, look for a specific website (service) or want to buy something, search intent can make you understand their activities. And you can optimize search intent for your SEO strategies – they work best together!

An overview of the main types of search intents may be:

  • Where to go
  • To know something
  • Want to do something
  • Where to buy something based on other people’s reviews.

Let us dive in to discuss the types of search intent available.

What is Search intent for SEO?

What are the Different Types of Search Intent?

So, there are various types of search intent. However, we will discuss the four prominent ones:

  1. Informational Intent

As it is, users surf the web by inputting search queries for information they need. That could be information about a product or service, the weather, SEO, and it goes on. Users with informational intent have a unique keyword or a certain topic they wish to know more about.

As a webmaster, you should keep in mind that Google’s intelligence is beyond just the search query of a user. In other words, it tends to understand the mind or intent behind a search query. For instance, if someone searches for “fried rice sauce,” Google will likely bring close results, including those of fried rice recipes.

Some examples of informational intent include:

  • ‘How can I clean my windows naturally?’
  • ‘What is the best flooring type for me?’
  • ‘How do I clean the oily floor?’

Sometimes, Google includes images and videos as a result of a user’s search query as a form of informational intent.

  1. Navigational Intent

Another type of search intent is Navigational Intent. Here, users already know the site they want to visit when they try to get information from the web. For instance, those who want to hold a meeting on Zoom are usually on their way to the Zoom website.

Well, focusing on this type of search intent is only beneficial if you already have a large user base. I mean if your site is what a lot of people are looking for. For example, a site like Google can rank for this kind of search intent as several people are coming to look for the Google Trend tool. Or the Google Analytics tool.

So, if your site is known for something or a tool with very low competition, you may try to target the navigational intent. But keep in mind that your click-through rate (CTR) will probably be on the low side.

  1. Transactional Searches

The third type of search intent is Transactional Intent. It includes when a user searches the web and is ready to make a purchase. This type of search intent is classified under the products or categories on your website.

A transactional landing page should have a clear and catchy call-to-action (CTA). Also, don’t forget to have clear visuals with simple texts(humanly) as much as possible.

Some examples of transactional searches include:

  • ’Buy used Apple iPhone X.’
  • ‘Buy HP EliteBook 1040.’
  • ‘Nordvpn coupon.’
  • ‘Buy a washing machine.’
  1. Commercial Investigation

Here, the searcher has the intention to buy later or is looking for the right product or service for them. They probably need to read reviews to make a final decision on which solution provider or agency is ideal for them.

Examples of commercial investigation searches are:

  • “What is the best washing machine for a laundry business?”
  • “Techomatic review.”
  • “Names of top SEO Agencies in Bradford.”
  • “Top restaurant in West Yorkshire.”

How to Optimize Your Content for Search Intent

It is important to optimize a landing page and ensure it fits the search intent of your user.

The reason is quite simple: if someone searches for transactional intent, you don’t want to show them a conversational page. I mean there’s every tendency that they already know about such product or service. So, there’s no point wasting their precious time with “long stories” maybe.

Optimizing your product pages for more sales keywords or commercial search intent is a smart idea. Let’s say you offer digital marketing services in Bradford, you could, for instance, optimize a service page for [web design Bradford].

Also, you could target transactional keywords, for instance, [hire an SEO professional Bradford].

It can be a bit difficult to precisely know what search intent your audience use. And, of course, every user target different search intent. But they still land on your page.

I think the best way to know about the search intent of your audience is by asking them. Create a small survey containing relevant questions they search for and make it pop up while they surf your website. With this, you can have valuable insights into their preference and eventually, generate great conversions.

SEO Benefits of Intent Targeting?

You might want to ask “What then are the benefits or essence of intent targeting?” In addition to increasing your conversion rates for your landing pages, benefits of intent targeting include:

  • Reduced Bounce Rates: since you are targeting what your audience wants and answering their queries, they will likely engage with your pages more.
  • Wider Audience Reach: as mentioned earlier, Google is smart to bring similar results to the search of a user. As a result, optimizing your search intent makes it possible for you to reach a wider audience.
  • More Page Views and Engagements: meeting an audience’s needs makes them likely to interact and spend more time on your pages.

So, do it right and expect more targeted traffic, better engagement, and even conversion rates on your pages.


While you optimize your search intent for SEO, ensure that you check other SEO practices, especially publishing quality content. Don’t forget that you are writing for people (users) and you aim to solve their search queries.

However, don’t forget to lead people to your sales pages – after all, you’re in business for this.

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